Lorenzo Capra
Since October, 2001, Assistant Professor at State University of Milano.Education
1993 "Laurea” degree in computer Science at University of Milano (Italy), with a thesis about performance analysis of concurrent programs through Stochastic Petri Nets (Advisor prof Fiorella De Cindio).
2001 Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Torino (Italy), with a thesis about partial symmetries in Symmetric Nets. (Advisor prof Giuliana Franceschinis)
Professional employment
1994-2001 Consultant/researcher at ENEL-CRA (Automation Research Center of the Italian electric power provider) and CESI spa. Activity (in European Projects): specification, analysis and prototyping of dependable software for plant automation.
Research interests
- Formal approaches to software engineering (in particular, Petri nets).
- Modelling and analysis of dynamic/reconfigurable discrete event systems.
- Symbolic computation.
- Rewriting systems.
- Graph transformation systems.